Sunday, October 11, 2009

What does a credit report show in terms of employment history?

Does it show employment history? Can someone igive me details about what EXACTLY can be learned about work history from a credit report?

What does a credit report show in terms of employment history?
a credit report does not show a work history.....................

it MAY show the last employer you listed on an open credit account.

employers also don't care about the "credit score"

a credit report shows a lot about you and is not limited to how you pay your bills, that is probably the least important trend they see.

in your credit report an employer sees:

your budgeting skills

your long term financial planning

your propensity to live above your income

what types of habits you may have based on spending trends

all things that relate to how you may perform the duties of a job if judgment and autonomy are a requirement. this is why not all employers pull a credit report.

for many jobs a credit report is of no value.
Reply:Credit reports don't show work history. All they show is your credit score (for employers.) If you pull up your credit report, it will show you all your card information, if you've paid on time, etc... If an employer pulls your credit, it will only show the SCORE. Therefore if you've paid on time, but had one bad debt, making your score lower, the employer will see your low score, and not the exact reasons why.

The reason employers pull credit reports is to judge your "responsibility." They figure if you can pay your credit cards on time, you are probably responsible, and would be a good worker.
Reply:From what I have been told, it only shows the jobs you used when you were obtaining credit. There is only one on mine-when my husband and I bought our house, that was where I was working, so they included it in application. There are no other jobs on my reports.

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