I have some negative accounts on my credit reports. I have paid off a few of them in the past few months, but I havent noticed any change to my credit scores. Is it better to pay these off, or just live with crappy credit until they fall off my report eventually? Does anyone know if paying them off affects my scores at all? The only thing it does is show closed account.
Is it better paying off deliquent accounts on a credit report?
If you pay off your delinquent credit accounts, you should get an improvement in two factors: payment history and amount owed.
Payment history counts for 35% of credit score and amount of debt owed 30%. Your credit score should be affected significantly but not immedately.
Your credit score will gradually grow with time while missed payments fade away from your credit report.
If you do not pay your account it will stay on your credit report for 7 years and credit score will not raise.
Reply:Paying them off in full will not necessarily increase your scores. It will however show potential lenders exactly that....that the debt is satisfied and paid in full. You're doing right by paying off the adverse accounts.
What you may want to do on the outstanding debts, is offer a "pay for delete" agreement (search this term on Yahoo Answers), in which you pay the full amount (or a reduced amount that you offer in writing), and in return, the collector deletes the negative entry entirely. This would end up raising your score, because the debt no longer appears on any trade lines.
If you're looking for a score boost, it isn't going to happen simply by paying off collectors. You need to pay your bills on time, and create a trend of financial worthiness with your current creditors you have, THIS will raise your score. It takes some time....not something that happens overnight. It certainly takes hardly any time for a negative item to drop your score, but it takes a while to bring it back up.
Any lender than is personally reviewing your credit report, will think more favorably by seeing debts on your report, as paid. These would typically be insurance underwriters, employers, mortgage lenders, and auto finance companies....all are the most common to personally review credit reports.
You're on the right track....just try to get an agreement with the collectors now, to DELETE the entries entirely when you pay off the debts.
Reply:The fact that you have paid off only a few of them should answer your question. Until everything "bad" is off your report, you should expect NO change.
It only takes one bad account to ruin your credit score, but it takes several years of near perfect payments to build your credit up.
Reply:yeah pay them off
cause later on they will come after you for them
and it looks good that you paid better late then never
everything you do that has to do with credit cards or the bank effects or credit score
to get your score up go buy something [like a car] and make payments
thats the fastest way to do it
but dont miss any payments or well your back to square one
Reply:They will send collections after you, then if you do not pay collections, that will effect negatively on your credit report. Do not destroy your credit. Pay off everything you owe slowly. If you can not, contact a debt consultation company fast.
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