Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can I purchase a home after paying everyting on my credit report?

I want to payoff everything on my credit report so that my family and I can purchase a bigger home. How soon After I pay my credit off can my credit rating go up so that I can purchase our home?

Can I purchase a home after paying everyting on my credit report?
Well, you dont need to pay everything off. You just need decent credit - around 680 or more fico.

A good place to start - read my answers. I have a few on this topic (chosen best by the way). I also have answers on house purchasing tips and cheaper mortgage payments.

Second, keep up to date with your credit. The library usually has books and media from Suzie Orman, world renown credit guru. You can also enroll in a good program (costs a little, but saves a lot) such as my However the library is cheaper and may be all you need.

Also keep in mind that the housing market is cyclical. Currently, it is great for buyers - not so good for sellers. This will change (maybe another year or two) prices will go up, meaning sellers will get the better deal. Try to time your buying when the market is in your favor.

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