To take someone on your credit report reporting it as negative , to start, once you receive the credit report, how do you get the creditors in court to dispute with them? Do you take them to small claims court or where do you have court? What if they're out of state?
Once you receive the credit report, how do you get the creditors in court to dispute with them?
Good luck.
Reply:Ideally you should dispute directly with the credit bureaus....Yet, if they are refusing to remove inaccurate information from your credit files, you should threaten to take legal action under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.....
Reply:You don't, you file a dispute, in writing, with the credit bureau. They will investigate and the creditor will either validate the debt with proof or it will come off your record. If the debt has been defaulted for 7 years they have no choice but to remove it.
Reply:You never see them it's all done outside of court there is no court just some people with pens, paper and some authority that will read your dispute and will send you a decision in 1-4 months.
Reply:Adding to Luke's response...When you file your dispute, provide copies of all proof you have. Highlight the name of the company, the account number, amount paid, everything that seems important to you (if the company goes by a different name now, include that in your report, Ex: HBC used to be Zellers, Canada Trust used to be TD, agencies don't always pick up on those things).
We went through this last year, 6 companies never updated my husbands file after we paid them off and they were showing as delinquent. We had to remind them what the creditors used to go by and point out that the account numbers were the same. We even had one who reported they couldn't find us to collect, to which we responded with the proof it was paid and a statement from them at our address, proving they knew exactly where we were.
Credit agencies corrected the file within a week. They didn't even let the creditors try to contest.
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