Friday, November 6, 2009

What is the scoring range on a credit report from low to high?

What is the scoring range on a credit report from low to high?

What is the scoring range on a credit report from low to high?
A rating [Credit score 720 or higher] -- You can easily obtain financing at the best rate; you can get approved for a credit card online in a few seconds. Note that a score above 750 means you have extremely good credit.

typical debt- to- income ratio: Below 35%

Mortgage: You have not been late with a payment in the last 24 months

Installment loan: You have been 30 days late making payments 0 or 1 time within the last 12 to 24 months

Revolving credit: You have been 30 or 60 days late with a payment 0 or 1 time in the last 12 to 24 months

Additional requirements: Good/excellent credit during the last 2 to 5 years; no bankruptcy within the last 2 to 10 years

B rating [Minimum credit score 620] You can get approved, but not at lowest rate. You can get credit cards and such, but at a higher rate than someone with an A rating

Typical debt-to-income ratio: Around 50%

Mortgage: You have been 30 days late with a payment 2 or 3 times in the last 12 months

Installment Loan: You have been 30 days late with a payment 2 to 4 times during the last 12 months

Revolving credit: You have been 30 days late with a payment 0 to 2 times in the last 12 months

Additional requirements: You have no 60-day late mortgage payments; if filed bankruptcy, it must be discharged 2 to 4 years ago

C rating [Minimum credit score 580] Have trouble getting approved. Very high rates. The lender might ask you to get someone to co-sign for you.

Typical debt-to-income ratio: 55% or higher

Mortgage: You have been 30 days late with a payment 3 or 4 times in the last 12 months

Installment Loan: You have been 30 days late with a payment 4 to 6 times during the last 12 months

Revolving credit: You have been 60 days late with a payment 2 to 4 times in the last 12 months

Additional requirements: If you filed bankruptcy, it was discharged 1 or 2 years ago

D rating [Minimum credit score 550] Serious trouble getting approved. Co-signor required.

Typical debt-to-income ratio: Around 60%

Mortgage: You have been 30 days late with a payment 2 to 6 times in the last 12 months; and 60 days late 1 to 2 times during the last 12 months

Installment Loan: You have a few 90 and 120 day late payments during the last 12 months

Revolving credit: You have a few 90 and 120 day late payments during the last 12 months

Additional requirements: If you filed bankruptcy, was discharged within last 12 months

E rating [Credit score under 550] Unlikely to be approved.

Typical debt-to-income ratio: Around 65%

Mortgage: You have a pattern of 20, 60, 90 and/or 120 day late payments

Installment Loan: You have a pattern of 20, 60, 90 and/or 120 day late payments

Revolving credit: You have a pattern of 20, 60, 90 and/or 120 day late payments

Additional requirements: You may have a current bankruptcy or foreclosure

Hope this answers your question
Reply:The score range really depends on Credit Score Model which is used for score calculation. There are several credit score models were developed by credit bureaus and other companies. Any credit score model can be used to calculate credit score on credit report from any credit bureau.

The most popular credit score model is FICO and used mostly by lenders, other models are used by consumers. It is funny because mortgage brokers get FICO score and consumer at home is checking PLUS score, it is not comparable.

FICO Score: 300 - 850

PLUS Score: 330 - 830

TransRisk Account Credit Score: 300 - 900

Vantage Credit Score: 501 - 990

FICO developed by Fair Isaac Corporation, PLUS score by Experian, TransRisk by TransUnion credit bureau, Vantage Credit Score is created by all three credit bureaus in partnership.

The same credit scores in different models are not the same.

By the way Vantage credit score is calculated based on all three credit reports meanwhile other score models are calculated based on one credit report. That is why you have three FICO scores when you get three credit reports and only one Vantage credit score when you receive credit reports from all three credit bureaus.
Reply:The FICO systen scores from 300 to 850. The highest I've ever seen is a 830, and the lowest was a 376. Anything below 580 is considered bad credit, 580 - 660 is fair 661-720 is good, and 720 above is excellent. Now, this will also very from creditor to creditor.
Reply:850 - 750 = perfect

750-700 = good

anything below that , needs scores worked on to make them higher .

There's new scores .....example A , B, C, D

after reading big reds my rating is "A"......

BIG RED , said it all ............above

credit scores are changing ........
Reply:300 to 850

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